Tuesday 22 May 2012

Shivarudraiahswamy Shimoga 
in the past the people other than merchants, priests, farmers used to be sent war fields to assist the king and his band, therefore, every person use to involve in war either directly or indirectly. Washer men to follow the king and his fellows to wash their cloths, barbers to accompany with their triumphant and band to proclaim the war, wadders who were known for their skill in making roads and building use to follow the warriors to make roads to them and use to help the Armour in making arms, sharpening them and most of them use to take part in war directly and many of them were chief-tons and some have had become kings, because the rule of survival of the fittest ruled those days. Only after the advent of Mughals and British these warrior classes were suppressed as they opposed them. Against these warrior kings the Mughals and British were able to build up their empires and with the help of merchant and priest class they have successfully suppressed the status of these warrior communities and succumbed them to the dust and buried their history in to the undated graves